Braidcaster Alistair Heather haes pit thegither a new shaw bi gait o BBC Radio 4 that wis first aired on 7 Januar an is cryed Beyond Burns. Steidit in Dundee, Heather hauds a twa-wey crack wi sindry poyets braid Scotland, an whiles a makar or twa, anent thair screivings an warks. …
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It is noo 16 year (2008) fae the General Assemly o the Unitit Nations awned an took-on …
The Doric Film Fest, that forders film-makkin throu the North East dialect o Scots, …
No lang syne, Grace Stewart-Skinner an her baund pit oot a caw for fowk tae come …
For tae mark the fifty year fae the ban agin weemen’s fitba wis liftit, a …
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