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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid

Debate on Scots

31st October 2013

History Fest

In the aftermath of the release of the first census results for Scots the most significant single event to have happened in the world of Scots in the past 100 years there will be a debate on the place and prospects for the language on Sunday 24 November 2013 as part of Previously...Scotlands History Festival. Among the points being discussed will be the census itself, the significance of the statistics, the relationship with English, Gaelic and other languages, and the often complex linguistic tapestry that exists in Scotland. 

The panel will also pose the question, whose job is it to support Scotlands languages: the government, authors, or the general public themselves? Those taking part in the debate will include writer Alan Bissett, SLD Director Dr Chris Robinson, Professor Rob Dunbar (Celtic, University of Edinburgh) and SLC Director Michael Hance. The debate will take place at The Voodoo Rooms, 19a West Register Street, Edinburgh, between 2-4pm. The event is free but those wishing to attend should follow the link to and scroll down the page until you find the relevant event, then click the attend button to register.