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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid

One, Two, Three Aleerie

Aleerie is a very old word that means holding your leg crooked. You bounce the ball three times, then lift your leg and bounce the ball under it when you come to ‘Aleerie’. The song was also used for skipping, and it has lots of other verses from different parts of Scotland and other countries.


One, two, three aleerie
Four, five, six aleerie
Seven, eight, nine aleerie
Ten aleerie overball

One, two, three aleerie
I saw Mrs Peerie
Sittin on her bumbaleerie
Eatin chocolate biscuits

For much more information about One, Two, Three Aleerie, see the book Doh Ray Me, When Ah Wis Wee (McVicar, 2007).

One, Two, Three Aleerie, sung by Kathleen Campbell From Traditional Scottish Songs and Music, Gallus recordings.


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