Burns An' A' That Festival
17th May to 24th May 2008
The 'Burns An' A' That' festival, billed as a showcase for the best of talent in Scotland, will conatin many events, but most, strangely, have little to do with either Robert Burns or the Scots language. Rather, the festival is held together by events happening in 'Burns Country'. In the recent past stories in the press were critical of the fact that 'Status Quo' was to be the lead act and has left many scratching their heads as to the Burns connection. However, there are tow or three events connected with Burns and the language. Between these dates, Tarboltin intends to hold a celebration of the seven years in which Burns lived there, by way of song, poetry and music. Nothing definite has been set but enquiries should be directed to 'Burns Auld Tarbowtin' on 01290 551. Artist Alexander Goudie's paintings will form an exhibition telling the tale of Tam O Shanter at Rozelle House, Rozelle Park, Ayr, each day 10am-5pm, 19-24 May. Entry is free. There is also a 'Robert Burns Pride & Passion' exhibition at Carnegie Library, Ayr, 9am-7.30pm, 19-31 May. This tells the story of the life of Burns and has been organised by the National Library of Scotland. To find out more please phone 01290 551 100. Staff from the Centre for Robert Burns Studies will be holding a panel and discussion entitled 'The Robert Burns Conspiracies' at the Burns National Heritage Park, Alloway, beginning at 7pm on 20 May. Tickets for this event cost 3. For more details please phone 01292 443 700 or enquire with the Burns Festival Office on 01292 612 477.