A crack wi Oor Vyce
Oor Vyce, that campaigns for the lawfu recogneetion o the Scots leid, is haudin a confeerence anent the Bill for the Leids o Scotland that’s in hauns the noo throu the Scots pairlament. On the day the’ll be a puckle o sessions wi speakers, warkshops, a bittie crack wi airtists an screivars, an a discussion anent Scots in the airts convened wi Iona Fyfe comprehendit. Susi Briggs, Lewie Watson an Lucy Beth will be giein performances forby.
The confeerence will be held fae 9.45am on 22 November 2024, in the Storytelling Centre for Scotland, on the heich gait o Embra, an will skail at 16.15pm. Awbody is walcome, but please tak tent that a body maun buik a ticket aforehaun bi gait o the Storytelling Centre. Please clap yer device on the wabsteid for tae buik https://scottishstorytellingcentre.online.red61.co.uk/event/913:5784/913:25185/ or speir at reception@scottishstorytellingcentre.com or gie them a phone on 0131 556 9579 for mair wittins o this haunling.
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Scots Awairds Nicht
The Awairds tae the Scots Leid haes noo been held in Cumnock Toun Chaumers, Ayrshire. First stertit in 2019, the ettle ahin the awairds is tae awn fowk makkin an wirkin in aboot the Scots-speaking community, an the fact o its uiss in oor life day an daily. Awthegither, the war 13 sindry fowk or organisations that wis gien awairds for thair wark in a bonnie wheen o pairts. It is nae surprise, gien the darg noo done bi gait o the scuils, that mony o the awairds is gien til agencies an bodies in aboot education.
Scots Bairns Buik o the Year gaed tae Primary F5 cless at Riverbank Primary, in Aiberdeen, for thair buikie Summer e Magic Scurry. Scots teacher o the Year is Danielle McNulty that teaches at New Cumnock scuil in East Ayrshire, an it wis New Cumnock that got Scots Scuil o the Year forby, for thair kenspeckle wark in pittin Scots ben the curriculum. Whan it cam tae makkin pictures an ither media warks, it wis the Doric Film Fest that took Scots Cultural Project while theatre company Braw Clan wis gien Scots Community Project for plays sic as So Long, Wee Moon. The Open Versity haes taen an awaird an-aw – Scots Education Project – for its programme for learnin teachers anent Scots. The Dundee Rep theatre won the awaird for Stage Production.
Amang the sindry fowk awned on the nicht, kenspeckle feegur Rab Wilson wis gien the Janet Paisley Services tae Scots awaird while Liz Niven took Scots Champion. Len Pennie won the Scots Buik o the Year, an Jim Mackintosh, fae Perth, won Scots Screivar o the Year. Martin O’Connor haed Scots Performer o the Year while the Young Scots Screivar o the year awaird gaed tae Rudi Hawkins.
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European Day o Leids
Fae 2001 the European Day o Leids haes been held ilka year on 26 September, an is co-airtit bi the Cooncil o Europe an the European Centre for Modren Leids. The Cooncil o Europe haes 46 memmer states awthegither an comprehends the Gaelic an Scots leids amang ithers. The ettle ahin the Day o Leids is tae kittle the intress o the publict in the sindry kinds o langage aw aboot us, an tae pit us in mind o the mony leids spoken an wrutten ower the continent and ayont. It is the howp that, gien the resources an wittins, mair fowk will hae the can tae learn ither leids, whither tae get by in jist, or for tae mak thairsels versant. An the Cooncil an Centre is aw for fowk takkin tent o thae leids that’s less weel kent an taucht, the regional an sma leids o Europe, sic as Scots. Tae this end the European Centre haes pit thegither twa-three guide buikies anent the sindry regional an sma leids, an thir buikies haes been owerset in a puckle o the mither tongues. On the bonnie an brawly-pit thegither wabsteid o the European Centre https://edl.ecml.at/Home/tabid/1455/language/en-GB/Default.aspx a body will can find aw kin kinds o things tae dae, education resources an gemms dedicate tae bairns, alang wi the guide Lara’s Vaige Roond The Regional an Sma Leids o Europe that gies the backgrund tae 39 leids, an haes been owerset in Scots bi Dr Dauvit Horsbroch.
The European Commission will be markin the Day o Leids forby, bi haudin online confeerances atween 12.00 an 16.45pm an this haunling will open tae the publict. Please clap yer device on the wabsteid https://www.coe.int/en/web/language-policy/european-day-of-languages for tae airt oot mair anent the subjects that fowk will be in hauns wi.
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Ulster Scots Week
Derry City an Strabane District Cooncil, alang wi uphaud fae the Agency for Ulster Scots, is awa tae haud a week tentie til Ulster Scots, baith spoken an wrutten, atween 25 an 29 November 2024. The cooncil wad like tae hear fae aw fowk or groups that’s versant in Scots whit kin kind o ideas micht best serr as a programme o haunling atween thae dates, whither in-person or deegital. Aw ideas is walcome an thaim that’s waled will be comprehendit amang the programme. Speakin anent this, Cooncillor Lilian Barr said that this wis a rare inlat for fowk tae come forrit an see that Ulster Scots is gien a heize, an, in parteeclar, for thaim that’s new tae Scots tae ken it better.
Please clap yer device here https://www.derrystrabane.com/services/ulster-scots/ulster-scots-language-week-2024 for tae get mair wittins o this or for tae pit forrit ony ideas that ye micht hae anent haunling. Please tak tent that ye maun fill oot the form bi the deidline o twalhoures on Friday 20 September 2024.
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So Long, Wee Moon
The theatre company Braw Clan, that stertit in 2023, an haes as its ettle plays throu the Scots leid, is awa tae pit on its second play. Braw Clan haes pit thegither a new drama cryed So Long, Wee Moon, wrutten bi playscreivar Martin Travers an directit wi Ros Sydney. Set in 1924, it haes as its backgrund the wey that the braidcast media stertit tae kittle the lugs o Scots fowk wi the soond system o Soothron fae thae days onwards, bi gait o the picture hoose, radio, an syne the televeesion. In the play, a faimly o weemen in Clydesdale warsles tae win ower in an affen unforgiein warld, uphaudin an skaithin ane anither as thay gae, an it’s scriptit throu baith the American Inglis an Scots leids. The characters o the weemen is played bi Helen McAlpine, Chiara Sparkes, an Morven Blackadder.
So Long, Wee Moon will be shawin in sindry places in Lanrikshire, throu September, stertin oot wi a first shawin at 7.30pm on Wadensday 18 September 2024 at the village haw in Crawfuirdjohn. Syne the play will gae aboot fae 20 September throu tae 28 September wi shawings at Biggar, The Leidhill, Wiston, Crawfuird, Roberton an Symington. The price o ingait will be left tae fowk on the nicht, tae pey at the skailing. Please clap yer device on https://brawclan.com/ for mair wittins o this, an the sindry dates an shawings.
Photie: Braw Clan
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