Beyond Burns
Braidcaster Alistair Heather haes pit thegither a new shaw bi gait o BBC Radio 4 that wis first aired on 7 Januar an is cryed Beyond Burns. Steidit in Dundee, Heather hauds a twa-wey crack wi sindry poyets braid Scotland, an whiles a makar or twa, anent thair screivings an warks. Heather haes a parteeclar intress in shawin the poyets that wirks oot o Angus, a pairt o the kintra that haes lang gien us lettert fowk, but isna necessar appearant in modren accoonts o the leid, an sae he sterts oot wi poyet Taylor Dyson. In this shaw he will veesit fowk in Aiberdeen, the Orkney isles, an ither airts forby. Speakin anent the teetle o the shaw, Heather threapit that he wantit tae get ayont Burns an shaw us the mony ither, modren poyets an the ken that thay hae o thair ain pairts o Scotland. Sae please lug in tae BBC Radio 4 for tae hear mair.
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Human Richts Text
It is noo 16 year (2008) fae the General Assemly o the Unitit Nations awned an took-on the bonnie owersettin in Scots o the Universal Declaration o Human Richts. First set oot in 1948, the ettle ahin the Declaration wis tae estaiblish aw the maist ordnar freedoms for Jock Tamson’s bairns, an, in 2004, the makar, musician an screivar, Colin Donati, wis the first body tae pit it intae Scots, the hail 30 airticles comprehendit.
A body can dounlaid the text o Colin Donati’s version in Scots as a PDF ablow.
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Gaithering for Doric Film
The Doric Film Fest, that forders film-makkin throu the North East dialect o Scots, an is heidit bi Frieda Morrison, is caain for aabody that haes taen pairt tae forgaither at the Versity o Robert Gordon, in Aiberdeen, in Jeen 2025, for tae haud a byordnar day o celebration o aa the darg an wark at’s been deen tae date. On the day, filmmakars will hae a braw inlat for tae shawcase thair wark. As pairt o this, the Doric Film Fest is caain for new pictures unner the teetle o ‘Weel deen aabody’ that will be aired alang wi a puckle o the aald eens. Fan the time comes a body can speir oot here at the hame wabsteid sae bide tentie for mair.
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Spikkin Auchie
No lang syne, Grace Stewart-Skinner an her baund pit oot a caw for fowk tae come forrit an gie a bittie siller til a guid project that will forder an uphaud Scots spoken in the Heilands. Grace is ettlin tae record an album o oreeginal music tae gae alang wi recordings o the Scots spoken in an aboot the fisher toun o Avoch, on the Black isle, kent as Avochie (Auchie) bi its speakers. Lang spoken bi the fisher fowk thareawa, thir days the kenspeckle dialect is dwynin an no as weel kent ony mair, but Grace wad like tae mark it, an gie it a heize. The album, cryed Auchies Spikkin Auchie, will hae recordings o hamelt speakers intil’t, but the price o makkin a studio album is £15,254. If ony body wad like tae gie taewards the funding project please clap yer device here for tae get mair wittins, an tak a swatch o the video whaur a body will can hear brawly spoken Auchie.
Photie: Grace Stewart-Skinner at
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Weemen's Fitba in Scotland
For tae mark the fifty year fae the ban agin weemen’s fitba wis liftit, a new buik anent weemen in fitba will hae its ootset at the end o this month. The controvertit ban wis brocht in in 1948 bi the Fitba Associe o Scotland. Hooanever, aince the Scots Weemen’s Fitba Associe wis foondit in 1972, the auld Fitba Associe stertit tae gie wey an in 1974 awned weemen’s fitba.
The buik, cryed A Most Unsuitable Beautiful Game, will hae its first ootset at The Auld Brig baur an eatery, 46 Princes Street, Perth, on Thursday 28 November 2024, at 6.30pm. Historians o the gemm, Professor Fiona Skillen, an Dr Karen Fraser, will be jyned on the nicht bi poyet Julie McNeill an a hantle o ither screivars an speirars, in baith Soothron an Scots, tae tell the story o hoo weemen in Scotland warsled agin sexism, narra-nebbitness, teuch times, an at the hinnerend won ower.
A body can coff the buik direct like throu Tippermuir buiks at for the price o £9.99. Please speir at the publisher for mair wittins o this.
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