OUTwith OUTwith is a project which aims to celebrate LGBTQ+ Scots speakers and the valuable work they contribute to the community. It will be a series of interviews with people in the Scots LGBTQ+ community effecting change, pushing boundaries and making a difference.
William G. Saraband William G. Saraband is a writer and visual artist originally from Portugal. His artwork fuses Scottish identity and political activism, with bold, abstract and geometric designs.
Hannah Nicholson Hannah is a poet from Shetland, whose work explores themes of people, and place. Hannah consistently focuses on LGBTQ+ advocacy, offering a perspective of growing up under section 28 and the lasting legacy this has had on the queer community.
Ely Percy Ely is an author whose work combines working class narratives with queer identity and their most recent novel Duck Feet won Scottish book of the year.
Douglas Miller Douglas Miller is the creative mind behind CREUTAIR, a project incorporating Scottish history with queer identities. The project explores LGBTQ+ narratives and aesthetics, and seeks to challenge a lack of queer representation in the historical canon.