The Bombing
“Faither, fit kinno birdie’s yon?”
Speired a loon at the door
“Anely a seagull hashin on
Fur the cauld sea shore.”
“Faither, fit kinno soun is yon
I hear croon?”
“Anely the birr o traffic, bairn,
Gaun ben the toun.”
“Faither, fit kinno ferlie’s yon
That faas frae high?”
“A deidly flooer that blooms like a rose
Come back inbye.”
“Twelve hooses stude slang the road
An noo there’s nine.”
“Gie thanks that War has passed us ower ...
This time,”
On May, 1943, Carden Place Episcopal Church (The Tartan Kirkie), sustained a direct hit.The walls at the back of the poets’s family home, in Albert Terrace, were straafed with shrapnel.