Parliamentary Motions 2000
Motion S1M-01111: Irene McGugan, North East Scotland, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 25/07/2000
Programme of Action for Scots and Gaelic in the European Year of Languages
That the Parliament notes that 2001 is to be the European Year of Languages; notes that European Union funding support will extend to projects including regional and minority languages which member states designate as eligible; urges the Scottish Executive to make representations on behalf of Scots and Gaelic to Her Majesty's Government in order to ensure that Scotland's indigenous languages are proposed for inclusion, and believes that the Executive should support a programme of action for both languages as part of the European Year of Languages.
At the Pairliament taks tent at twa thoosant an ane is ti be the European Year o Leids; taks tent at siller fae the European Union wull rax the lenth o projecks for regional an minoritie leids at memmer states allous as eligible; asks the Scottish Executive ti mak representations on behauf o Scots and Gaelic, til Her Maijestie's Guivernment for ti mak shuir at Scotland's hame leids is proponed for inculsion, an trowes at the Executive shuid gie a heize ti baith leids as pairt o the European Year o Leids.
Gun toir a' Phàrlamaid an aire gur e Bliadhna Eòrpach nan Cànain a bhios ann an 2001; gun toir i an aire gum faodar taic-airgid an Aonaidh Eòrpaich a bhuileachadh air pròiseactan a ghabhas a-steach mion-chànainean is cànainean roinneal a tha air an sònrachadh le Stàitean a tha 'nam Ball; gun iarr i air Riaghaltas na h-Albann tagradh a dhèanamh do Riaghaltas na Rìoghalachd as leth na h-Albais agus na Gàidhlig a dhèanamh cinnteach gun tairgear cànainean dùthchasach na h-Albann le Riaghaltas a Rìoghalachd airson taic-airgid an Aonaidh Eòrpaich agus gun cuir Riaghaltas na h-Albann, mar phàirt de Bhliadhna Eorpach nan Cànain, a làn-thaic ri prògram gnìomha airson an dà cànain.
Taken in the Chamber on 07/09/2000
You can read the Official Report of the debate here
Motion S1M-01076: Ian Jenkins, Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale, Scottish Liberal Democrats, Date Lodged: 30/06/2000
European Year of Languages
That the Parliament welcomes the designation of 2001 as "European Year of Languages"; further welcomes the year's aim of celebrating Europe's linguistic heritage and promoting language learning; notes that individual member states decide which languages should be included; recognises the high prestige in which the Gaelic and Scots languages are held internationally, and calls upon Her Majesty's Government to have Scots and Gaelic designated as eligible for this important project.
Motion S1M-00934: Irene McGugan, North East Scotland, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 01/06/2000
The New Testament in Scots
That the Parliament acknowledges that in translating the New Testament into Scots, William L Lorimer undertook the challenging project of recreating Scots prose and scrutinised upwards of 180 translations in more than 20 languages; notes that his work demonstrates the range, vigour and vitality of which Scots prose is capable, and is not only a remarkable translation but a considerable accomplishment and a notable contribution to our literary and linguistic heritage, and commends Canongate Books for reprinting this publication after 14 years, by popular demand.
At the Pairliament awns at, bi owersettin the New Testament inti Scots, William L Lorimer tuik on the wechtie darg o makin Scots prose anew, an leukit at abuin a hunner an echtie owersettins in mair nor twentie leids; taks tent at his wark shaws the braidth, pouer an virr at Scots prose haes in't, an is baith a byordnar owersettin an a byordnar accomplishment, as weil's addin wurthilie til oor leiterarie an linguistic heritage; an commens Canongate Books for reprentin this efter 14 year, bi popular deman.
Motion S1M-00802: Irene McGugan, North East Scotland, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 03/05/2000
Scottish National Dictionary Association
That the Parliament notes the excellent work of the Scottish National Dictionary Association (SNDA) over 70 years, work which includes the 10 volume Scottish National Dictionary and the Concise Scots Dictionary, copies of which are held in the library of the Scottish Parliament; commends the organisation's plan to create a Scots Dictionary Database from these resources, despite an immediate funding crisis which will see money for current staff run out by July, and asks the Scottish Executive and the Scottish Arts Council to honour previously expressed commitments and take steps to secure the financial viability of the organisation in recognition of its role in advising the reporters to the Scottish Parliament on the recording of the language in proceedings and in promoting the language, and to allow the SNDA to continue to play a full part in Scotland's literary and cultural heritage.
Scottish National Dictionary Association
At the Pairliament taks tent o the guid wark o the Scottish National Dictionary Association (SNDA) ower seiventie year, amang this, the 10-beuk Scottish National Dictionary an the Concise Scots Dictionary, wi the librarie o the Scottish Pairliament haein copies o baith; commens their plan tae mak a Scots Dictionary Database fae oot thir, for aw their sair want o siller the nou at will see siller for peyin staff rin oot bi July, an asks the Scottish Guivernment an the Scottish Airts Cooncil tae mak guid the promises thay hae gien afore, an ettle tae mak shuir o the bodie's financial siccartie, takin tent o'ts wark in advisin the reporters tae Scottish pairliament on the recordin o the leid I proceedins an I forderin the leid, an lattin the SNDA haud tae the fore I Scotland's leiterarie an cultural heritage.
Motion S1M-00554: Irene McGugan, North East Scotland, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 16/02/2000
Draft Census (Scotland) Order 2000
That the Parliament agrees that the Draft Census (Scotland) Order 2000, except to the extent that it is subject to approval by resolution of the Parliament, be not submitted to Her Majesty in Council, and calls upon the Scottish Executive to lay a revised draft Order which will include, within particulars to be stated in returns, in respect of any person, whether or not able to (a) understand, (b) speak, (c) read and (d) write Scots (including any local Scots speech form such as Buchan, Glasgow or Shetland dialects).
Taken in the Chamber on 16/02/2000
You can read the Official Report of the debate here
Motion S1M-00519: Kate Maclean, Dundee West, Scottish Labour, On Behalf of Equal Opportunities Committee, Date Lodged: 09/02/2000
Draft Census (Scotland) Order 2000
That the Parliament (1) agrees that the Draft Census (Scotland) Order 2000, except to the extent that it is subject to approval by resolution of the Parliament, be not submitted to Her Majesty in Council, and (2) calls upon the Scottish Executive to (a) introduce a Bill to amend the Census Act 1920 to enable particulars to be required in respect of religion in the Census in Scotland, and (b) lay a revised draft Order which will include, within particulars to be stated in returns, a question on religion, including a breakdown of Christian denomination, a more detailed breakdown of the question on ethnic groups and a question on language spoken at home with a specific question on Scots language.