Oor Sun
The Sun is a starn. An starn is jist anither word for a sun. Apairt fae oor ain Sun, maist ither anes is that faur awa that we cry them starns. Starn haes its oreeginal in the auld Indo-European word *ster or *str that becam stlla in Latin an *sterran in the auld Waster Germanic leid.
Ower 99% o the mass o oor hail Sun Gird is intil the Sun. That’s hoo big it is tae the ither bodies wheechin aboot it. The Sun is 864,400 mile abreed an cuid fit the Yird in it 1,300,000 times ower. The Sun is 91.661 million mile fae us sae it takes jist ower echt meenits for licht tae traivel fae the Sun tae the Yird. Athoot the Sun the wad’a been nae life here. It is jaloused that the swaw that led tae the gases fawin inwards – an settin the Sun aff – cam fae ane or mair supernovae in ane or anither Sun Girds. This is acause oor Sun is fouthy o wechty elements sic as gowd an uranium that’s maist commonly makkit whan a starn dees.
At the present time some 74% o the mass o the Sun is made fae hydrogen an some 23% fae helium. The lave is maistly made fae oxygen, carbon, neon an iron. Ower 4.6 billion year the Sun haes been mellin hydrogen intil helium an helium haes been sinkin tae the hert o the Sun acause it canna be fused. In anither five billion year the gaithert helium will turn oor Sun intil a Rid Etin that haes less mass and it will stert tae dwyne.
While the Sun gied us life, it can threiten life an-aw. The’r sindry pynts on the surface o the Sun whaur magnetic fields is that strang that thay mak sunplouks. A sunplouk is a caulder an daurker pairt o the surface. Aboot the sunplouks fykie pairticles o plasma is aye lowpin an castin aff fae the Sun but we affen daena see them for the brichtness o the Sun itsel. Whan the Yird is in the gait o thir pairticles thay skyte aff oor ionosphere or upper atmosphere makkin a bonnie shaw thay we cry the Norland Lichts. But we shuid caw cannie. At antrin times thir magnetic plouks lowps ootwards in muckle fingrs o fire kent as flares. The photons an pairticles in thir muckle flares shoots oot an wad smoor the hail o the Yird but for the magnetic fields that haps oor warld. Haed we nae fields happin us, the flares aff the Sun wad burn, dose us wi atom-fykie particles deidly tae life, an fry awthing electronic.
Oor Sun us aboot hauf wey throu its life, but ae day it will dee. Throu its loss o hydrogen the Sun will stert tae dwyne for a time but the hydrogen at the hert will be lowsed an stert tae fuse garrin oor Sun swall intil a baggit Rid Etin. As it becomes baggit it will swallae up Mercury an Venus until its gird is the length o the Yird. Hooanever, as it daes this the swaw fae the Sun will blaw the Yird an ither planets ootwards an aince the hydrogen is awa it becomes a White Droich. The question is: will the Sun swallae up the Yird? As the Yird is pusht ootwards it micht weel win-ower, or it micht be brunt up. Naebody can richtly say.