View site in Scots

Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid

Dialect word lists and grammatical features

The following Education Scotland resources provide help and information for Scots language learners and students.


Features of Scots

This resource analyses the grammatical features of Scots.

The resource may be of interest for learners in the BGE but is especially useful for learners in the Senior Phase working towards the Scots Language Award.



100 key words in varieties of Scots

This resource features 100 key words in varieties of Scots from areas across the country.

It has been designed to provide an introduction to Scots and to help learners at any level boost their Scots vocabulary.

The lists of words, phrases, and grammatical features can be enlarged, printed out, and used to create Scots language displays.

They can also be used to supplement daily spelling or literacy work, or as a stimulus for writing.

The lists are particularly useful for illustrating the similarities and differences between varieties of Scots.

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