The Auld Curiousity Shop
Fower ferlies bedd in a neuk
A clarsach, a clock, a plate
Wi a caunlestick, yalla’s a stook
Fa keepit his coonsel quate.
The clarsach’s trimmlin note
Aince gart a laird takk tent
Ae pluck o her warblin throat
Aa sorra an blytheness blent
The ashet frae Auld Japan
A gairden catched in his glaze
Far a Geisha flutteret her fan
A Mandarin tae bumbaze
The clock wi her kennin face
Keepit time tae a littlin’s lauch
Till the littlin grew twa-fauld
An the braith o’t wis snippit aff.
The caunlestick cast a lowe
Ower a leddie’s keekin glaiss
The licht ay cocks its powe
The vauntie leddy’s aisse.