'Shetlan', by John Peterson, is one of the poems from 'The Kist' - an anthology of Scots (and Gaelic) poetry and prose that was digitised by Education Scotland and gifted to …
'The Ballad of Janitor Mackay', by Margaret Green, is one of the poems from 'The Kist' - an anthology of Scots (and Gaelic) poetry and prose that was digitised by Education Scotland …
'The Bogle', by W. D. Cocker, is one of the poems from 'The Kist' - an anthology of Scots (and Gaelic) poetry and prose that was digitised by Education Scotland and gifted …
'The Punnie', by Sheena Blackhall, is one of the texts from 'The Kist' - an anthology of Scots (and Gaelic) poetry and prose that was digitised by Education Scotland and gifted to …
A Scots version of Julia Donaldson’s book ‘The Troll’ was recently produced by Edinburgh-based writer James Robertson who has also previously written version of other Donaldson, and …
It is very easy for people to make up their own fun verses for this song.The verses in this recording were made up and sung by singer Christine Kydd with classes P3 and P4/5 from Inchture Primary, in …
This sparky strathspey or schottische tune has been popular throughout Scotland for over 200 years. Its Gaelic title, Brochan Lom, means thin porridge. It was played for the East Lothian country dance …
This great Orkney ballad tells of a silkie, someone who is a seal when in the sea and a person when on the land. This seal man lives on small rocky island called a skerry - the one that is the farthest …
Three short songs set in Edinburgh's Old Town, which runs down the sloping hill from the Castle to Holyrood Palace.The first song is sometimes located not in Edinburgh's Canongate, but in Newcastle's …
The Scots Language Coordinator at Education Scotland and Education Specialist at Scots Language Centre have compiled the following list of suggestions for meaningful learning about Scotland during …