Until the early 20th century political commentary was still common in Scots, latterly through the articles, columns and letters of newspapers in Scotland, but from the 1920’s Scots was steadily …
Here we have a translation or owersetting, but it is a stray owersetting from a new book of original poems in Scots and English, approximately half and half, followed by a story in Scots, by the …
The University of Amsterdam is calling for papers for its Conference on Contested Languages in the Old World (CLOW3) which will take place there on 3 and 4 May 2018. The organisers are aiming to bring …
For ower a hunner year, fitba in Scotland haes oxtert alang wi bitterness in releegion. Whan Hibernian FC wis foondit in 1875 bi the Earse community o Embra the grunlaws o the club threapit that players …
Scotland stertit efter the Muckle Weir bi follaein Ingland’s heidship in objectin tae Germany an her allies haein membership o FIFA. In 1920 Scotland pullt oot in protest an bade oot til 1924. Crampsey, …
It wisna the men alane that played fitba in thae days even tho it wis affen regairdit a man’s gemm bi the kirk meenisters. As faur back as August 1628 the kirk session meenits for Carstairs paroch, …
The FAS noo recast the wey fitba wis run in Scotland an in 1975 a 10 team Foremaist League wis stertit, an the Heid and Second Diveesions noo haed 14 clubs ilk ane. Bi the dowp-end o the 1970s Scots follaers …
Atween 1867 an 1873 competeetion atween the Scots an Inglis brocht aboot the foondin o an associe o Scots fitba clubs for the first time. It wis in July 1867 that Queen's Park in Glesca becam the …
Ilka district haed a yearly bawin that took place on Fastern’s Een (Shrove Tuesday) atween men o contrair ferm touns an villages or even amang thaim that shawed up on the day. The gemm lastit …
The'r nae version o thir airticles in Soothron.This puckle o airticles haes its oreeginal in speirings amang fitba clubs an bodies atween the years 1998 an 2001. Thay first kythed as a airticle bi …