Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win Sun TzuThe Art of WarOotside the baths we shuffled oor feet,freezin fog happit ower the Horrals,the …
Braken Fences, Wolf Kurtoglu’s first novel, has been described as ‘masterful’ (the Blether Region) and ‘the best novel written in Scots in recent times’ (Rab Wilson, …
Braken Fences, Wolf Kurtoglu’s first novel, has been described as ‘masterful’ (the Blether Region) and ‘the best novel written in Scots in recent times’ (Rab Wilson, …
Ignorance is bliss
Braken Fences, Wolf Kurtoglu’s first novel, has been described as ‘masterful’ (the Blether Region) and ‘the best novel written in Scots in recent times’ (Rab Wilson, …
One of the most famous comedians to come out of Scotland in the 1960s, Stanley Baxter was responsible for a series of sketches in which he poked fun at Glasgow and the Glasgow dialect. Parliamo Glasgow, …
The day they’re mindin her wi hauf-mast flags,Neist week they’ll spend ten million oan her kistin,Whiles Tony Blair, wi grief his een are mistin,Nae dout he’ll bray wi aa the ither windbags,Wha’ll …
Ignorance is bliss
Colin Will is very well known in Scottish poetry. He has had quite a number of books published, most of which have a poem or two in them in Scots. It is important that poets who live here and write in …
Braken Fences, Wolf Kurtoglu’s first novel, has been described as ‘masterful’ (the Blether Region) and ‘the best novel written in Scots in recent times’ (Rab Wilson, …