Many people have heard about the Scots language but aren't sure what it is. Scots has been spoken in Scotland for several centuries and is found today throughout the Lowlands and Northern Isles. The name …
Sheena has her own website which is useful starting point for finding out more about her career in music, what CDs she has available and forthcoming gigs. We also have a Youtube clip of Sheena singing …
Christmas hasn't been the most productive subject for Scots language literature and poetry but over the centuries there have been a few gems. In this survey of seasonal poetry, Derrick McClure, picks …
Sklentin oot, ower victory’s field across, Æthelstan’s airmy, routit, bate an brucken,Nou Óengus minds his wird forenenst the veesion;Cloods that formt the shape o Andra’s …
It was reported in the press this past week (Daily Record, 19 November) that American footballer Alejandro Bedoya, is finding the Scots language a real challenge. The midfielder, who plays for Glasgow …
A new novel in Scots has recently been written by Wulf Kurtoglu. Entitled ‘Braken Fences’ the cover explains the story: ‘In a near future whan the tulyie atween rationalism an releegious …
With the Christmas season once again approaching we would like to remind our visitors that Scots language Christmas cards - or Yule cairds - can be purchased from Scots Tung. This year's card is A4 card …
The usual Scots word meaning ‘to jump’ is ‘lowp’, descended from Old Norse ‘hlaupa’. This does not mean that ‘leap’, which derives from Old English ‘hleapan’ …
A ghaist is just one of the visitors that the superstitious expect to see at Halloween. W. Birnie in The Blame of Kirk-buriall tending to perswade Cemiteriall Civilitie (1606) warns there may be …
Scots Tung, the campaigning Scots language body based in Musselburgh, have now produced the latest in a long line of yearly Christmas cards in the language. The latest design is A5 in size and folded …