WARE – SPRINGThe season of spring is made up of three months, March, April and May. In the Scots language the season is called ware. This takes the form voar in the dialects of Orkney and Shetland. …
Braken Fences, Wolf Kurtoglu’s first novel, has been described as ‘masterful’ (the Blether Region) and ‘the best novel written in Scots in recent times’ (Rab Wilson, …
Dauvit Horsbroch and Frances Robson chat about her Scots speaking background, her experiences using Scots language in education and her current translating projects, which include award winning translations …
There are few things we in Scotland – indeed, people throughout the British islands – like to talk about more than the weather. It is one of the first things we speak about when making conversation. …
The 2012 Yule Caird in Scots is now available from Scots Tung in Musselburgh. This year’s card (see photo) features Bambi and carries the message ‘A Blythe Yuletide an a Guid New Year’ …
What better way to celebrate St Andrews Day than with a selection of Scots language songs and poems. Steve Byrne has put together a great playlist for St Andrew's Day - sing along, listen in and enjoy …
Derrick McClure looks at the history of patriotic verse in Scotland.
On the day o our patron sanct, lats tak a scance at the weys our makars throu the yearhunners hae expremit thair pride in the nation …
Giggling Jock is the title o an event the morn's nicht at the Stand Comedy Club in Embra. Susan Morrison is hosting the evening as pairt o Previously - Scotland's Festival of History. She'll be lookin …
While it is true that the Grimm brothers can be said to have established the modern idea of folklore as an area of research and study, there are examples of people in earlier ages whom we would described …
The Grimm brothers generally known as the Brothers Grimm were two German scholars who collected stories and traditions, mostly from central Europe, during the 19th century. It would be fair to say that …