Now that the 2009-10 football season is well underway, the Scots Language Centre has delved into the history and traditions of the game as expressed through the Scots language, and what a rich tradition …
In the 20th and early 21st centuries the dialect of Glasgow has been the subject of several research projects and popular books. Research into the health of the language (of which work by Dr Caroline …
From the end of the 19th century onwards the speech of Glasgow came increasingly under attack by the authorities. The Scots language was generally being discouraged and punished, initially through the …
The place name Glasgow derives from a Gaelic description of a green place on the banks of the river Clyde. In Older Scots this was variously written as Glasgu, Glasgow and even Glaskow. In the older language …
The Auld Scotch, Glaswegian, Glesca Scots, The Patter. These are the names by which the native language of the city of Glasgow and surrounding region have been known in modern times, and which is called …
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the moon landings the Scots Language Centre has put together a couple of features, along with some poems in Scots, about the moon and space. It was on 21 July 1969 …
Thanks to Bob Fairnie for giving permission to reproduce this article which appeared in Issue 28 of the Booler magazine Efter readin the airticle aboot bools hivin been played at Haddington syne aroond …
Tea With Clarinda is a play written by Anna Hillis about the two women in the life of Robert Burns, his wife, Jean Armour, and his romantic correspondent Nancy McLehose. Hillis imagines what would have …
The annaul general meeting of Shetland ForWirds will be held at 7pm in the Shetland Amenity Trust offices in Lerwick. The organisation declares "We'll be blyde ta see onybody at's interested in da dialect …
Jesus wis a jyner – lang lang syne, In Joseph's shap, in Nazareth, The laddie ser'd his time. He wrocht the bonny cedarwuid, the gopherwuid, the beech, Wis skeily wi the cheisels, wis hantie wi …