The nicht is mirkThe house is toomO, gowls the wundAtour ma room.
The house is deidDaith’s sib tae sleepThe rain dings dounThe nicht is deep.
‘Come ben, ma dearWi the …
Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Michael Russell MSP, has sent a special message to visitors to the Scots Language Centre. Commenting on the SLC's programme for St Andrew's Day, …
Commenting on the news that the Scots Language Centre leads all other organisations in online searches for Scots language, Director, Michael Hance, said, “We’re very pleased to be in this …
With December only weeks away, the Scots Language Centre is putting the finishing touches to what should be its best ever Christmas and New Year programme. There are many old favourites – the …
There have been poems, songs and ditties about football almost as long as the game has been known to exist in Scotland. Football is first mentioned when King James I banned it by act of parliament in …
Like football clubs in other countries, those in Scotland have developed nicknames and mottos which reflect both the traditions of the local area and the mother tongue. The following list gives a few …
Perth Burns Club is holding its 6th annual Day of Scottish Life and Culture, starting at 1pm, in the Soutar Theatre, AK Bell Library, Perth. This will consist of 40 minute lectures including Kenneth Steven …
Scottish Culture Minister, Mike Russell, has announced the formation of a working group to advise the government how the Scots language might be supported and encouraged in the community. The formation …
Jean Redpath, one of Scotland's most highly regarded traditional singers is to lead a course on the "Scottish Ballad" at Samye Ling, the Eskdalemuir Bhuddist temple and retreat centre. Information about …
This week it was revealed in the press that British secret service spies in MI5 found their investigations and phone-tapping had been hampered because they were unable to understand the Scots language. …