Some fowk jalouses that the’r mony universe, an that oors is jist ane. Whit we ken for shair is that oor universe haes billions o galaxies intil’t, an that oor galaxy is cryed the Milky Wey. …
MatildaRoald Dahl’s much-loved children’s book, Matilda, will be published in Scots by Black and White publishing.Glaswegian author Anne Donovan, best known for her novel Buddha Da, will …
The 23 and 24 June 2019 mark the anniversary of the battle of Bannockburn (The Bannock Burn in Scots) fought on those dates in 1314 between King Robert I ‘The Bruce’ of Scotland and King Edward …
Timelines of the Scots LanguageBy Dr Dauvit HorsbrochThe following list is intended as a quick reference guide to developments in the Scots language, including reference to cultural and political developments.1991 …
Timelines of the Scots LanguageBy Dr Dauvit HorsbrochThe following list is intended as a quick reference guide to developments in the Scots language, including reference to cultural and political developments.1921-1922 …
Running alongside the Scottish International Storytelling Festival this year is the 2019 Community Programme called Beyond Words. This will run from Monday 2 September until Monday 2 December and will …
I had the pleasure of stumbling across a new Scots poet recently, Kerrigan Renniegade. Her natural delivery of her poetry in Scots resonated with me and I immediately asked her to …
Glasgow Looking Glass, Volume 1, 1825 Read in English Hit’s no aften there a birth o a brent new medium houanever in Juin o 1825, in Glesga, whit’s noo kent as the warld’s first comic …
Since 1707 Scotland has elected representatives to sit in the Westminster parliament, and Scottish members have naturally employed language from their native country. Sarah Mackie has recently put together …
The Scottish Government has made available a Scots Publication Grant which is administered through the Scottish Book Trust in Edinburgh. The grant exists to support Scottish publishers to publish and …