Motion ref. S5M-23760 Submitted by: Clare Adamson, Motherwell and Wishaw, Scottish National Party. Date lodged: Monday, December 21, 2020Iona Fyfe's Campaign for Scots Language on SpotifySupported …
Welcoming the Start of Book Week ScotlandMotion ref. S6M-02066Submitted by: Liam Kerr, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist PartyDate Lodged: Thursday, November 11, 2021Supported …
A new historical online drama series is sure to draw those with an interest in Scots, or in Scottish speech generally. Though not billed as a Scots medium programme, and not consistently delivered in …
HEEDRUM-HODRUM, n. The recent tartan days in Canada and the USA put me in mind of terms for Scottish traditions. I landed on heedrum-hodrum, though Dictionaries of the Scots Language (DSL) defines …
RANTER v. to darn, mend, sew n. a method of stitching Ranter is from the older French ‘rentraire’ meaning ‘to seam’. It is defined in the Dictionary of the Scots Language …
GOWAN n. a daisy Nowadays gowan refers to the common daisy of lawns and daisy-chains, but the Dictionaries of the Scots Language tells us that gowan was formerly a general name for various …
Gayle Smith is a transwoman and spoken word poet from Baillieston. She co-hosts the long running Words And Music night with her friend Jen Hughes. She has performed her work throughout Scotland since …
The fowks at Glesga Universitie, the Royal Society o Embra, Eddication Scotland an Oor Vyce haes jined thegither on a new projeck tae forder the Scots leid, stertin aff bi askin spikkers whit they think …
The Doric Board has recently made a series of awards to successful candidates who put forward projects for promoting the North East Scots dialect – aka The Doric – and also aspects of the …
LUCKEN adj. closed, joined, fastened Derived ultimately from Old English, the most common usage of lucken in modern times is in the compound luckenbooth. Luckenbooths were booths or shops in …