The rumblings of discontent so obvious in Paisley at the end of 1819 had spread to Ayrshire by early 1820. At various places throughout the south western Lowlands, crowds clashed with overbearing …
It was two hundred years ago – in April 1820 – that Scotland’s last attempted uprising took place. While you have no doubt heard of the Jacobites, of the 1745, and Bonnie Prince …
In direct violation of the Treaty of Union, English treason law was now used in Scotland, and an English barrister, John Hullock, was sent to conduct the prosecution, despite his having no legal …
Thochts anent the unique role o the Scots leid in Scotlands bygane, and whit wey it haes a gey special role tae play in communicatin Scotlands heritage the day. Scots is Scotlands past Scots can niver …
smeddum n. spirit, energy, drive, vigorous resourcefulnessSmeddum (2001) is the apt title of recent collection of works by Lewis Grassic Gibbon, a writer whose brief but intense writing career was marked …
A gang-roond oor Sun Gird – or a tour of our Solar System – describes the planets orbiting the Sun, the planetary moons, rings, and other features, and some of the facts relating to gravity …
To celebrate the 250 years since the birth of James Hogg, the American Folklife Center in Washington, USA, and the University of Stirling are holding a joint conference. James Hogg (1770-1835), …
Finola Scott's poems are personal and political, from the intimate to the world view. They can be read on posters, tapestries and postcards, in anthologies and magazines such as New Writing Scotland, …
Venus wis lang the planet o legend in Greek an Roman lare an until the 20t century we jaloused that the micht be life on thon warld. As the brichtest body in the heevens alang wi the Moon it is cryed …
Mercury is cryed efter the Roman god Mercurius that haed tred an troke as his parteeclar haunling. But he wis equate wi the Greek god Hermes - the messenger o the ither gods – an sae a swith traiveller. …