840 Articles matching phrase ‘whit’ Plutock The’r few mair controvertit warlds nor thon poor wee sowel Plutock. Cryed efter the Greek god o the fiery unnerwarld Ploúton, it is neither rocky or gaseous, an is the magink o this Sun Gird. … Uranus This is the warld that’s name haes gien fowk a comic terr. Uranus is cryed efter the Greek god Ouranós the husband o the goddess Gaea. Nane o the ancients kent aboot this warld an it wisna … Jubiter Jubiter is cryed efter the heid god o the Romans Jubiter or Jupiter. Jubiter is a michty cheil. It is bigger nor aw the planets o oor Sun Gird pit thegither an cuid swallae the Yird 1,300 times ower. … Oor Sun The Sun is a starn. An starn is jist anither word for a sun. Apairt fae oor ain Sun, maist ither anes is that faur awa that we cry them starns. Starn haes its oreeginal in the auld Indo-European word … Seturn Seturn is cryed efter the Roman god o ferming SÄturnus an is namely for its mony rings. Efter Jubiter it is the neist biggest warld in oor Sun Gird an cuid fit oor Yird in it mony times ower. It … Mairs The Greeks cryed this planet efter Ares thair god o weir. The Romans equate Ares wi thair ain god o weir Mrti an syne the lave o Europe took this name on. Mair nor ony ither planet in oor Sun Gird, Mairs … The cheil in the Moon Oor Yird didna aye hae a moon. But we maun be thankfae that it daes. Oor Moon keeps us richt an pits the haims on oor planet’s wabble sae that it daesna tilt ower faur, ower shairp like. This slaw … Mercury Mercury is cryed efter the Roman god Mercurius that haed tred an troke as his parteeclar haunling. But he wis equate wi the Greek god Hermes - the messenger o the ither gods – an sae a swith traiveller. … Venus Venus wis lang the planet o legend in Greek an Roman lare an until the 20t century we jaloused that the micht be life on thon warld. As the brichtest body in the heevens alang wi the Moon it is cryed … Mary Mack A video is currently available on Youtube which gives a wonderful rendition of the folk song Mary Mack performed by Scottish folk group The Byrnes before an audience at Louvain-la-Neuve in Belgium. The … 840 Articles matching phrase whit << First < Previous 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next > Last >>