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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid

So Long, Wee Moon


So Long, Wee Moon

29th August 2024

The theatre company Braw Clan, that stertit in 2023, an haes as its ettle plays throu the Scots leid, is awa tae pit on its second play. Braw Clan haes pit thegither a new drama cryed So Long, Wee Moon, wrutten bi playscreivar Martin Travers an directit wi Ros Sydney. Set in 1924, it haes as its backgrund the wey that the braidcast media stertit tae kittle the lugs o Scots fowk wi the soond system o Soothron fae thae days onwards, bi gait o the picture hoose, radio, an syne the televeesion. In the play, a faimly o weemen in Clydesdale warsles tae win ower in an affen unforgiein warld, uphaudin an skaithin ane anither as thay gae, an it’s scriptit throu baith the American Inglis an Scots leids. The characters o the weemen is played bi Helen McAlpine, Chiara Sparkes, an Morven Blackadder.

So Long, Wee Moon will be shawin in sindry places in Lanrikshire, throu September, stertin oot wi a first shawin at 7.30pm on Wadensday 18 September 2024 at the village haw in Crawfuirdjohn. Syne the play will gae aboot fae 20 September throu tae 28 September wi shawings at Biggar, The Leidhill, Wiston, Crawfuird, Roberton an Symington. The price o ingait will be left tae fowk on the nicht, tae pey at the skailing. Please clap yer device on for mair wittins o this, an the sindry dates an shawings.

Photie: Braw Clan

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