Sangschaw 2010
17th May 2010
The Scots Language Society’s annual Sangschaw competition will take place in the autumn. Entries are now invited for Sangschaw 2010. There are three categories of entry:
Short stories must be no more than 3,000 words, poems no more than 60 lines and translations must be no more than 3,000 words for prose or 60 lines for poetry. Entrants must not put any personal details on their entries but rather include these on a separate sheet. Two copies of each entry must be sent, and there is a fee of £3 for each entry submitted.
Each category has a first prize of £150 and there are three cups to be won:
The Hugh MacDiarmid Tassie for Poetry
The Robert McLellan Tassie for Prose
The John MacPhail Law Tassie for Translation
Entries should be sent by the deadline of Saturday 14 August 2010 to Charles Connor, 12 Croft Field, Jedward Terrace, Denholm, Roxburgh TD9 8QR.
Entries via e-mail will not be accepted.