Susi Briggs appyntit
23rd November 2023
Poyet, storyteller an musician Susi Briggs haes jist been appyntit the Screivar in Scots bi the National Leebrar o Scotland an will be steidit in Gallowa for the year stertin in Januar 2024. The post, that’s gien uphaud fae Scotland Makkin (Creative Scotland), aye lasts a year for ordnar, wi the ettle o pittin oot oreeginal wark in the Scots leid an forderin its uiss in communities braid Scotland forby. Susi said that it did her muckle mense tae represent Dumfries an Gallowa an that she wis fair kittled at the inlat tae mak uiss o the National Leebrar’s registers an get tae ken the staff. The post haes noo been gauin for a puckle year an Alan Bett, Heid o Leetratur an Furthsettin at Scotland Makkin, said that Susi is a rare storyteller that will dootless heize the intress o fowk in the leid.
Photie bi the National Leebrar o Scotland
The'r a soond file o this story in Scots ablow.