Intae the 18ct century wi mair fowk writin, an braidsheets takkin on the look o newspapers, whiles lichts an objects wis reportit as curious asides, tho as yet awmaist naebody jaloused objects micht come …
No lang syne, on 24 Juin, the winners o the Doric Film Fest gaithert thegither at The Barn, Banchory, for tae see the shawin o thair cutty pictures. This is the third fest tae be held that ettles at forderin …
bi Dr Dauvit HorsbrochWalcome tae the Centre for the Scots Leid an oor feature Are The Onybody Ither? In this puckle o airticles we will raik an reenge themes sib tae the question o life ayont oor warld …
Afore we cuid look for life, we haed first tae keek at the nicht, an tak the swatch o the sindry planets. An for tae dae this man haed tae mak ever better lenses an lang scowps tae see throu. It wis the …
Unkent flichtit objects haes been gauin aboot the lift noo for a lang time, some wad say for hunners o year, aiblins thoosands. Richtly speakin, a UFO is jist an object, in the air, that we daena ken, …
Wunnerin whither the micht be ither life ayont oor Yird is naething new. The ancient Greek philosophers Democritus an Epicurus jaloused the micht be ithers some gait, but the maist kenspeckle wis Anaximander …
No lang syne, Dr Rhona Alcorn, heid officer at the Dictionars o the Scots Leid, annoonced that the haed been a puckle chenges tae the DSL online, for tae bring hit up tae date. Thir chenges …
A storyteller at heart, Stuart McLean has been writing for over 20 years, with his first published poem, The Boozer, appearing in Poetry Now, Scotland 2000. He was the resident poet in his …
SCRIEVER n. Last year, February 25th was named the first Alasdair Gray Day to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the late scriever’s seminal novel, Lanark. And as March 21st is World …
"Writing Rammy" Award Winners AnnouncedMotion ref. S6M-06860 Submitted by: Stephen Kerr, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.Date lodged: Friday, November 18, …