bi Dr Dauvit HorsbrochWalcome tae the Centre for the Scots Leid an oor feature Are The Onybody Ither? In this puckle o airticles we will raik an reenge themes sib tae the question o life ayont oor warld …
No lang syne, Dr Rhona Alcorn, heid officer at the Dictionars o the Scots Leid, annoonced that the haed been a puckle chenges tae the DSL online, for tae bring hit up tae date. Thir chenges …
A storyteller at heart, Stuart McLean has been writing for over 20 years, with his first published poem, The Boozer, appearing in Poetry Now, Scotland 2000. He was the resident poet in his …
SCRIEVER n. Last year, February 25th was named the first Alasdair Gray Day to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the late scriever’s seminal novel, Lanark. And as March 21st is World …
Oral Question ref: S6O-00858Asked by: Emma Harper (South Scotland, Scottish National Party)Date Lodged: 3rd March 2022 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what action it is taking …
"Writing Rammy" Award Winners AnnouncedMotion ref. S6M-06860 Submitted by: Stephen Kerr, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.Date lodged: Friday, November 18, …
Brian Hill is a Scottish poet writing in English and Scots. In the 70s, 80s and 90s he worked on theatre productions, scripting revues and performances in and around Aberdeen.His poem, ‘Photograph’ …
CRANREUCH n. The Dictionaries of the Scots Language (DSL) describes cranreuch as “hoar frost”. It’s from Gaelic crion-reòthadh, which has the same meaning.An early example …
A split-new app that comprehends the Scots leid haes noo been throu hauns wi pruivin. IndyLan is a new smert phone app brocht tae ye bi the Versity o Heriot-Watt in Embra an pairt fundit bi the Erasmus …
Div ye fancy a shot at writin in the Scots leid? Div ye hae fykie tappin fingrs, an sindry ideas that’s burstin tae splairge the wab? Weel noo the’r a new online deegital magazine in Scots …