'Lost' Soutar Drama To Be Screened
12th April 2011
In 1977 BBC Omnibus broadcast a 55-minute drama written and produced by Douglas Eadie about the life of Scots language poet William Soutar. Called ‘The Garden Beyond’, the drama concentrated on the thirteen years in which Soutar was confined by illness to his parents’ home at Wilson Street, Perth, and on his relationships with Scots poet Hugh MacDiarmid and artist and former classmate Jim Finlayson. Soutar is played by Bertie Scott, MacDiarmid by Henry Stamper, and Finlayson by Bill Paterson. Since it was broadcast in 1977 the drama has never been shown again, but now thanks to the efforts of the Friends of William Soutar Society, it is to be screened again. The drama will be screened at 7.30pm on Thursday 28 April in the Soutar Theatre at the AK Bell Library, Perth. Admission is free. Afterwards, the writer Douglas Eadie will answer any questions and drinks will be served. The Soutar House, on Wilson Street, was damaged by flooding as a result of the severe weather of last winter (2010-11) and is presently undergoing restoration work.