Wheen: Collected and New Scots Poems
16th January 2023
Poyet Stuart A Paterson haes brocht oot a buik cryed Wheen: Collected and New Scots Poems that haes intil’t poyems wrutten atween 1992 an 2022, an set furth bi the Ulster Scots Community Network. Stuart will be pittin his haun o write til a puckle doobles o his wark for aw thaim that wants tae order the buik afore hit is lowsed offeecial like at the end o Januar 2023.
Please speir at Stuart bi gait o email stuartapaterson1966@hotmail.com for mair wittins o this an hoo tae order ane tae yersel.
The’r a soond file o this story in Scots ablow.