SLD Wird Hunts
10th October 2018
Scottish Language Dictionaries (Dictionars o the Scots Leid) are holding a series of Wird Hunts in November. These Wird Hunts will illustrate the work that the staff of the SLD do, the history of the organisation, and how material is collected. Now members of the public will have their chance to come along and help with the process by meeting the editors and providing evidence for the use of Scots words which will be used to add to the growing dictionaries of the language.
Wird Hunts will be held at Wester Hailes Library between 1pm and 7pm Tuesday 20 November, Leith Library between 1pm and 7pm Wednesday 21 November, and at Craigmillar Library between 11am and 4pm on Saturday 24 November. No bookings are required and all events are free. For more information please contact Rhona Alcorn on or follow this link