Sponsor a Scots Word
3rd November 2011
Scottish Language Dictionaries would like to encourage more people to ‘sponsor a Scots word’ which is a scheme run in conjunction with businesses, community groups and schools. Aileymill Primary School, in Greenock, was recently featured on Reporting Scotland as it had been encouraging the use of the word Galoshans during the Halloween period. The Scots Language Centre also recently highlighted a similar movement in Prestonpans where traditional storytellers and others have revived the Galoshan play. If you would like to sponsor a Scots word, or know of someone else who might be interested in helping to fund the work of the new edition of the Concise Scots Dictionary, please visit the website of Scottish Language Dictionaries at www.scotsdictionaries.org.uk. You will find a form on the website which can be downloaded. The staff at the SLD have recently indicated in their newsletter that they are always happy to hear from businesses or schools who would like to sponsor a word.