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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid

Scots Tung Yule Cairds

8th November 2011

With the Christmas season once again approaching we would like to remind our visitors that Scots language Christmas cards - or Yule cairds - can be purchased from Scots Tung. This year's card is A4 card folded and carries the greeting 'Blythe Yuletide' over a beautiful photo of Edinburgh and the line 'Stravaigin Yonder Canty Brae'. Inside there is a poem in Scots of four stanzas and the greeting 'Biddin Ye A Blithe Yuletide / An A Richt Guid New Year'.  You can order a pack of ten cards for £9 plus £1.50 pp. Please make out cheques to 'Scots Tung' and send your order to Richard Heinsar, Convener Scots Tung, 58 Whitehill Avenue, Musselburgh, EH21 6PE. You can also telephone 0131 665 9351 or email