The Forum for Speirings anent the Leids o Scotland an Ulster is awa tae haud its confeerence this year fae 28ct tae the 30t November 2024, in Belfast, bi gait o the Versity o Ulster. This will be the …
The feegurs oot the 2022 census wis set furth taewards the end o Mey 2024, an shuid kittle aw thaim wi an intress in the Scots leid. As the affcome o a speiring bi the General Register Office, back in …
A new buik anent Dumfaurlin isna lang aff the press. Wrutten bi Colin Maxwell, an cryed The Dunfermline Story, it is set oot in cairtoon or comic style wi eemages wrocht bi 30 or mair sindry airtists. …
It wis twinty twa year syne this comin month, in Aprile 2002, that the first hail langage coorse in the Scots leid, in modren times, wis set furth. The Luath Scots Language Learner, wrutten bi Lindsay …
WHITE PUDDING, n. A white pudding has nothing to do with a dessert. In the Dictionaries of the Scots Language (DSL) it is defined as “a pudding or sausage stuffed with oatmeal, …
Tak tent that the deidline for the Sangschaw competeetion is 31 Januar 2024. The yearly Sangschaw is run bi the Scots Leid Associe an is for screivars in Scots tae shaw thair skeel in the leid. The’r …
This Christmas we have 2 poets, A Christmas special!Fiona Davidson wis born an grew up in Pethheid, Midlothian. Fiona luved takkin pairt in the Burns Competition at the schuil. She works in the heritage …
The Scots Language Centre's Language and Information Officer, Dauvit Horsbroch, has translated the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child Simplified Articles into Scots.This resource, …
Children's Commissioner Nicola Killean has launched a new illustrated book, in Scots, on human rights for very young children. The Commissioner read Lets Explore Oor Richts aimed at children …
Hannah is a poet from Shetland, whose work explores themes of people, and place. Hannah consistently focuses on LGBTQ+ advocacy, offering a perspective of growing up under section 28 and the lasting legacy …