Hannah is a poet from Shetland, whose work explores themes of people, and place. Hannah consistently focuses on LGBTQ+ advocacy, offering a perspective of growing up under section 28 and the lasting legacy …
Andy Murray was a journalist for most of his adult life. He's written poems since he retired in 2021. He won the Fresh Voice award at the Wigtown Book Festival. His poetry has been published widely …
Gin ye’r a body that’s ever haed ocht tae dae anent the Scots leid, than ye’ll ken fine wha Billy Kay is. Born an reared in Ayrshire, but lang time bider in the north o Fife, an weel …
ILL-TRICKIT, adj. Dictionaries of the Scots Language (DSL) defines ill-trickit as: “Prone to play tricks, full of mischief, roguish”. DSL’s records date back …
No lang syne we haed the dowie wittins o the deith o Professor Manfred Görlach, in his echty-saxt year. Manfred wis born in Berlin, Germany, in 1937, an gaed tae the Free Versity o Berlin for tae …
CALEDONIAN CREAM Dictionaries of the Scots Language defines this as: “A dessert of whipped cream with marmalade, sugar brandy and lemon juice”. Mrs Dalagairns’ The …
HAWKIE, n. Hawkie is defined in the Dictionaries of the Scots Language (DSL) as general Scots: “A cow with a white face; also a general term for any cow or a pet name for a …
Dictionars o the Scots Leid in Embra haes pit oot a caw for up tae fower jobs tae be fillt. The poseetions is peyed atween £24 an £28,000 a year, lippenin on the skeels an knawledge o the …
The McSuibne Agley ootset is noo on at the Station Creative Gallery, in Dumfaurlin, in Fife. The auld story o Suibne, banned, an turnt intil a bird bi Saunt Ronan, haes noo been retellt bi weel-kent poyet …
Guid mornin! an guid nicht! are twa new books Scrievit bi Lawrence Schimel an translatit intae Scots bi Matthew Mackie, wae bonnie illustrations bi Elina Braslina. Ye'll can also gie weans the …