No lang syne a report wis lowsed bi the body cryed ‘The Future of Scots’, that is, the Scots leid in time tae come. The project, fundit bi the Real Society o Embra, an run oot the Versity …
Keeks Mc is a Glaswegian poet writing in colourful descriptive Scots. Juggling life, work, parenthood and a strong social conscience, Keeks' work expresses raw emotion and humour in her reflections …
In Partnership with Scottish Government, Scottish Qualifications Authority, Education Scotland, Scots Language Centre & Scots HooseThe 2023 Scots in Education conference is an event designed to support …
For the first time in mony year the Screive fae Arbroath – kent in Soothron as the Declaration of Arbroath – will hae publict ootset. Datit 6 Aprile 1320, the letter wis addresst bi the knabs …
Lang-time screivar, speirar an steerar, Dr Clive Young, a body that mony in the Scots warld will ken o, haes noo set furth a buik cryed Unlocking Scots that we doot will mak a rare read for aw thaim wi …
Caroline Mackie was born and bred in Edinburgh but left to the Netherlands with her husband and 2 little ones in 1979. What was to be perhaps a short adventure, ended up with the family staying in the …
Article by Carla Woodburn, Scots Language Centre Poetry Editor.A'd like tae introduce Slava Konoval. Slava is a Ukrainian lawyer an poet bidin in Kyiv. Slava haes a specific admiration fur the Scots …
Braw Clan Promotes the Use of Scots Motion reference: S6M-10945 Submitted by Emma Harper, South Scotland, Scottish National PartyDate lodged: 25/10/2023 Supported by: Karen …
Key DocumentsScots : A Statement o Principles, The Scots Pairliament Cross Pairty Group on the Scots Language (2003)Report of the Ministerial Working Group on the Scots Language (2010)Scots Language Working …
Thinkin on the wirk o the key Scots groups thit wis spake aboot in the paper - Whit is yer thochts aboot the wark o the Scots groups? Whit wad ye dae for tae strenthen an add tae the wirk o thir groups?The …