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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid

Scots Grant Buiks

25th July 2024

A wheen o screivars an publishers – ten in aw – haes been awairdit siller oot the Publication Grant tae the Scots Leid for tae gie a heize tae thair wark throu Scots. Fundit bi the Scots Government, an admeenistert bi gait o the Buik Trust for Scotland, the siller will see sindry buiks on oor binks for the saxt year gauin. The’r a fouth o material here, baith fae auld screivars an new anes, for bairns an adults, whither leebuiks or factual, prose an poyems, owersettins, gaitheries o music an sang, an in a puckle dialects forby. For tae get the leet o the hail screivars an thair warks please clap yer device on  the wabsteid o the Buik Trust for Scotland.

Photie: Buik Trust for Scotland

The'r a soond file o this story in Scots abuin.

  • Scots Grant Buiks
