A Wee Drapp An A Yarn
24th February 2025
A new fower pairt braidcast anent the culture an identity o Scots-speaking Ulster is awa tae air on NVTV fae Tuesday 25 Februar. Cryed A Wee Drapp An A Yarn, hostit bi Frank Ferguson, an wi siller an uphaud fae Norland Irland Screen’s Ulster Scots Braidcast Fund, thir sindry programmes will reenge the history, customs, an leid o fowk in Ulster as seen throu the een o the wabsters o bygane days an thair poyems. The setting o thir programmes will hae the feel o fowk in a howf haudin a twa-wey crack anent days o langsyne, speirin hoo sib thae days micht be til oor ain skeel o life the day, an whit the time tae come micht haud.
The first pairt will be aired Tuesday 25 Februar 2025 at 8pm, but a body will can see the hail o it bi gait o www.ulsterscots.nvtv.co.uk or bi gait o Youtube@nvtv_Belfast.
The’r a soond file o this story in Scots abuin.