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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid

Gaithering for Doric Film


Gaithering for Doric Film

28th November 2024

The Doric Film Fest, that forders film-makkin throu the North East dialect o Scots, an is heidit bi Frieda Morrison, is caain for aabody that haes taen pairt tae forgaither at the Versity o Robert Gordon, in Aiberdeen, in Jeen 2025, for tae haud a byordnar day o celebration o aa the darg an wark at’s been deen tae date. On the day, filmmakars will hae  a braw inlat for tae shawcase thair wark. As pairt o this, the Doric Film Fest is caain for new pictures unner the teetle o ‘Weel deen aabody’ that will be aired alang wi a puckle o the aald eens. Fan the time comes a body can speir oot here at the hame wabsteid sae bide tentie for mair.

The'r a soond file o this story in Scots abeen.