Airtists for Sgrìobh/Scrieve
20th February 2025
Kist o Riches (Tobar an Dulchais) alang wi Eden Coort, haes pit oot the caw for twa young airtist musicians tae come an wirk in aboot the Kist o Riches wabsteid, an for tae mak thair ain music an verse unner a project cryed Sgrìobh/Scrieve. The twa bodies – ane throu Gaelic an ane throu Scots – will speir-oot materials fae the Kist o Riches wabsteid an will pit thegither a new sang agin the Under Canvas fest in 2025. The airtists will be peyed £1,200 for makkin the new sang, alang wi siller forby for takkin pairt in the fest.
Aw thaim wi an intress in pittin in for the posts shuid tak tent that airtists maun be aged atween 18 an 27 year auld, bide haily in Scotland, maun be versant in either Scots Gaelic or ane o the dialects o Scots, an maun lowse the project bi the end o Jooly 2025.
A body shuid see on thair CV, alang wi a letter, at’s nae mair nor a page, statin whit wey ye’d like tae tak pairt, an hoo ye wad dae mense tae Kist o Riches. Thir papers shuid be sent bi the deidline o Sunday 23 Mairch 2025, an can be pit in either as a bit screive o nae mair nor 500 words, a video or soond recording o nae mair nor 5 meenits, or as a presentation o nae mair nor 10 slides an 500 words. Aw papers shuid be sent til Emily MacDonald bi gait o email at alang wi only links an materials forby. An please speir at Emily MacDonald for ony mair wittins anent the project.
The'r a soond file o this news story in Scots abuin.