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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid

Ulster Scots Week


Ulster Scots Week

2nd September 2024

Derry City an Strabane District Cooncil, alang wi uphaud fae the Agency for Ulster Scots, is awa tae haud a week tentie til Ulster Scots, baith spoken an wrutten, atween 25 an 29 November 2024. The cooncil wad like tae hear fae aw fowk or groups that’s versant in Scots whit kin kind o ideas micht best serr as a programme o haunling atween thae dates, whither in-person or deegital. Aw ideas is walcome an thaim that’s waled will be comprehendit amang the programme. Speakin anent this, Cooncillor Lilian Barr said that this wis a rare inlat for fowk tae come forrit an see that Ulster Scots is gien a heize, an, in parteeclar, for thaim that’s new tae Scots tae ken it better.

Please clap yer device here for tae get mair wittins o this or for tae pit forrit ony ideas that ye micht hae anent haunling.  Please tak tent that ye maun fill oot the form bi the deidline o twalhoures on Friday 20 September 2024.

The’r a soond file o this story in Scots abuin.