Beyond Burns
9th January 2025
Braidcaster Alistair Heather haes pit thegither a new shaw bi gait o BBC Radio 4 that wis first aired on 7 Januar an is cryed Beyond Burns. Steidit in Dundee, Heather hauds a twa-wey crack wi sindry poyets braid Scotland, an whiles a makar or twa, anent thair screivings an warks. Heather haes a parteeclar intress in shawin the poyets that wirks oot o Angus, a pairt o the kintra that haes lang gien us lettert fowk, but isna necessar appearant in modren accoonts o the leid, an sae he sterts oot wi poyet Taylor Dyson. In this shaw he will veesit fowk in Aiberdeen, the Orkney isles, an ither airts forby. Speakin anent the teetle o the shaw, Heather threapit that he wantit tae get ayont Burns an shaw us the mony ither, modren poyets an the ken that thay hae o thair ain pairts o Scotland. Sae please lug in tae BBC Radio 4 for tae hear mair.
The'r a soond file o this story in Scots abuin.