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Scots Language Centre Centre for the Scots Leid

Update anent Belfast


Update anent Belfast

18th July 2024

Please tak tent that the Forum for Speirings anent the Leids o Scotland an Ulster haes noo pit back its deidline for papers tae 31 Jooly 2024. The confeerence, tae be held in Belfast fae 28t tae 30t November, will be jyned bi Professor Warren Maguire (Versity o Embra) an Dr Frank Ferguson (Versity o Ulster) as twa o the heid speakers. Forby the papers gien, the’ll be a gaithering o organisations that steers for sma an lesser-used leids in Scotland an Ulster, for tae haud a crack anent sic haunling. Fowk ettlin tae pit forrit a paper for the confeerence shuid see on thair abbreviates o 300 words or less, as a doc or PDF, tae bi the deidline gien abuin. PGR students shuid tak tent that the’r siller warth as muckle as £250 awairdit for the best abbreviate, sae please jot doun yer PGR stauning at the tap o yer abbreviate for tae be conseedert.

The'r a soond file o this story in Scots abuin.